Zero Waste Garden Hack for Ultimate Plant Growth
Zero Cost Zero waste sustainability hack.
Summer is here- this means plants plants plants. Whether you live in a flat or in a house, we all need to feed our plants.
Conventional fertilizers (NPK) can negatively impact plant health and in turn, our health due to their high concentration of synthetic minerals.
Organic fertilizers like worm castings, chicken or cow manure, bone meal etc are wonderful but can get costly overtime.
So whats the solution?
All you need is: kitchen scraps from fruits / vegetables such as onions, garlic, banana, and coffee grounds.
Infuse the peels in water for a few days and then strain & use on your plants. You can also blend water, banana peels with coffee grounds, strain & add to your soil.
Left over tea leaves can also be used as plant fertilizer.
& voila! Healthier plants!
Food scraps are rich in vitamins & minerals that replenish soil and provide plants with a healthy much needed boost.
Best to avoid meat/ dairy products as they can rot and cause disease buuut you can use eggshells to nourish your soil and protect against pests.
I hope you enjoyed this zero waste garden hack!
Check out our lush leafy greens! Just a few weeks ago, our kale was almost completely eaten by bugs & our cabbages were TINY.